Europe’s Best Travel Destinations

Traveling to Europe is a goal that many Americans have on their bucket lists. There are many cities in Europe that are worth visiting. Many are large capitals, but there are also charming little villages that people with more time to linger might want to check out. Those with a week or less will likely want to focus on one of these larger cities that have more famous cultural attractions.


One of the most popular cities in Europe is also one of the best to visit. Paris is home to the iconic Eiffel Tower. Notre Dame might not be open because of the tragic 2019 fire, but there are plenty of churches and cathedrals in the area that are worth a visit. Lovers of art and history will particularly enjoy visiting sites like the Louvre, the Musée d’Orsay and Versailles. Those with kids might find a trip to Disneyland Paris will provide a unique American experience in a foreign country.


Another great city to visit in London. The capital city of the UK, London is home to the famous Westminster Abbey. This medieval church is the burial site for many of England’s most famous people. A ride on the London Eye can provide a panoramic view of the city, and no visit is complete without a stop at Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and the British Museum.


Known as the Eternal City, Rome is a city that is full of ancient ruins. From the world-famous Colosseum to the Roman Forum, there are plenty of impressive ruins to see in Rome. The Vatican is located within the city’s borders and provides visitors the opportunity to visit St. Peter’s Cathedral and the Vatican Museum, the latter of which includes a chance to see the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel that Michelangelo painted during the Renaissance.


The Czech capital of Prague was closed to many Americans during the Cold War, but it fared much better than many other European cities during World War II. The city is known as the City of a Hundred Spires because of the many old churches within its environs. The stunning Prague Castle sits on a hill that overlooks the Vltava River. Within the castle’s walls, the St. Vitus Cathedral and the Golden Lane are must-see sites for visitors. Additionally, no trip to Prague would be complete without a trip to the Old Town Square to see the world’s oldest astronomical clock that’s still in operation.

Proving Defamation

Slander and libel are different types of attacks on an individual’s character that can lead to major lawsuits. “Defamation of character” is an umbrella phrase used to encompass damage to a person’s reputation. It’s considered tort, which is a civil wrong, but not a crime. Here are important facts to know about the differences between slander (spoken defamation) and libel (written defamation).

First Amendment and its Limits

While the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows for freedom of expression, it does not necessarily protect against wrongful smearing of another person in public. At the same time, there’s a gray area involved that comes down to each unique case. Insults used in published commentaries, for example, don’t necessarily violate defamation law. Critiques of public figures that may include insults may also be protected by the First Amendment.

In most situations, no one is protected by freedom of speech when they make reckless statements or accusations about others publicly if the content is proven to be false while damaging the victim’s reputation. But there are certain exceptions.

Proof of Defamation

Although defamation laws are different for each state, there are four generally accepted rules that cross all state lines. In order to prevail in a defamation lawsuit the victim must show that the damaging material was 1) published, 2) false, 3) injurious and 4) unprivileged.


This term refers to a statement that a third party beyond the publisher and the victim has heard or seen. It doesn’t necessarily apply to just print media (books, newspapers, magazines and fliers). It may also include other forms of mass communication such as television, radio, public speaking or even social media.


If the defamatory statement cannot be proven “false,” then it’s not considered damaging. Reviewers and commentators, for example, are allowed to state their views about politicians, books and movies, since they may just be giving their honest opinions. Calling a work of art “terrible” cannot be proven to be false, since everyone has their own opinion.


This term means the alleged defamation has damaged the plaintiff’s reputation. The burden of proof falls on the plaintiff that the statement somehow hurt them financially or cost them relationships with others. Damage caused by media harassment may also be considered injurious, but usually not if the individual already had a known bad reputation in public.


 In some cases, even false statements don’t result in a settlement. The statement must be proven to be “unprivileged,” meaning not having special rights or advantages. Lawmakers, for example, cannot be sued for making statements in a legislative chamber, even if in other venues the statements are considered defamatory. Similarly, you cannot sue someone for lying about you on the witness stand, although they may separately face perjury charges. These scenarios are covered by free speech.

Planning for a Civil Trial

A plaintiff in a civil defamation trial must present either direct or circumstantial evidence. Using a witness that heard the defamatory statement, for example, is considered direct evidence. Meanwhile, if a series of facts indirectly prove other facts, it’s considered circumstantial evidence. Various forms of evidence may include witness testimony, documentation, physical evidence or demonstrative evidence. This evidence must meet all the elements of a defamation claim, which is known as establishing “prima facie.”

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

AI has come a long way since the days of the Terminator. Now, AI can now do everything from banking transactions to interact with consumers online. Artificial intelligence is so advanced that it’s now being used in law offices. From documentation review to finding pertinent information, AI is more than just a convenience. It’s now becoming a way of life.

Documentation Review

Document review and being a lawyer go hand in hand. However, so does the man hours needed to compile a case. Once a document type is deemed important, AI can scan documents in a fraction of the time it takes a human set of eyes does, and it also can catch more errors than a human.

The importance of being able to find legal information and resources without can’t be stressed enough. Especially in high-profile legal cases, time is of the essence. AI can lighten the load and keep lawyers focused on the case, not the documentation.

Research Partner

In addition to performing tasks faster than most humans can, AI can also perform legal research. Artificial intelligence systems can take the guesswork out of the process and all the necessary information needed to proceed to litigation. This not saves time, but also the money that’s usually given to a paralegal or law intern to do the work.

Predict the Future

With the ability to store pertinent legal information, implementing AI into a law office can also help determine the outcome of a case. Since history tends to repeat itself, having easy access to similar cases gives lawyers the insight they need to know if they should proceed with litigation or try to settle out of court.

Artificial intelligence will only become more powerful as time goes on. As such, it’s expected that AI will eventually be able to perform the even more duties that were only once considered possible by people. Particularly in the legal realm, there’s never been a better time than now to start using AI.

But if the idea of going completely AI seems a bit overwhelming, it’s possible to start small. Integrate artificial intelligence slowly over time and see how it works out. Then, once satisfied with the results, scaling up won’t seem so daunting.

A Foodie’s Guide to Costa Rica

One of the hardest parts about traveling isn’t deciding where you’re going to stay, it’s figuring out where you’re going to eat once you get there! Costa Rica is home to some of the best restaurants with breathtaking vistas of the mountains, volcanoes, rainforests, and beaches. The following restaurants offer the views as well as unique menus with fantastic food


In the Rohrmoser district of San José you’ll stumble across Furca— the farm-to-table style restaurant slinging house-aged steaks and world-class gnocchi all while supporting local farmers and maintaining their own on-site urban garden. Besides its decadent steaks and lovingly crafted pasta dishes, Furca is known for its lamb, duck, rabbit, pork, and innovative seafood entrees. Our recommendation? Take in the establishment’s stylishly modern atmosphere while sipping a cocktail spruced up with herbs pulled fresh from Furca’s garden.

Park Café

A glance inside this unsuspectingly renovated mansion/antique shop will uncover delectable tastes and smells from the tapas at Park Café. Located at the north end of San José’s La Sabana Metropolitan Park, this culinary passion project of Michelin star-rated chef Richard Neat boasts mouthwatering recipes that hail from Costa Rican history as old as the former shop’s antiques, accented with a modern flair. Think scallops wrapped in prosciutto and white wine-braised octopus with chorizo, plus beef carpaccio and passion fruit martinis. If you’re in the area, this menu (and the expertly-curated scenery of global antiquities) is not to be missed.

Mercado Central

If a dose of no-frills authenticity is what you’re looking for, San José’s Mercado Central is the place to be. Bustling with shops and food stalls, Mercado Central is the perfect venue for allowing your taste buds to try a little bit of everything. If you need help deciding though, fried plantains, casados (rice, beans, salad, cheese, plantains, tortillas and meat), gallo pinto (rice with beans), agua dulce (water with national sugar candy), and fresh fruit are all good options to start off with.

Restaurante Grano de Oro

No foodie guide to Costa Rica would be truly complete without mentioning the lavish Restaurante Grano de Oro. Considered to be one of the country’s finest dining excursions, this culinary feat (which you’ll find situated inside a plush mansion) blends Costa Rican flair with the classic European flavors of French chef Francis Canal’s upbringing. Paired with the restaurant’s extensive wine list, elegant options such as grilled Costa Rican tilapia with herb butter, fennel and mini ratatouille or roasted pork tenderloin with yucca croquette, mango chutney, and tamarind sauce ensure a delectably elegant night out. Save room for dessert— the crème brûlée, made with local, organic vanilla beans, is to die for.

2020’s Top Travel Destinations

The thing about travel is that the more you love it, the more you want to do. The list of places to go to doesn’t get shorter; no matter how much you travel the list grows ever longer. This is a wonderful problem to have. One of the ways you can examine your travel for the coming year is to seek out the places that are about to become big, and travel there before the crowds take away a little of that magic that comes from being there first.

In 2020, with social media giving us new insights on exciting places off the beaten track, there are a lot of places to consider choosing for your next big trip, with travel destinations you may have never heard of and ones you may have not thought of in a while but should consider moving up your list.

Let’s take a closer look at burgeoning travel destinations for 2020.


Now is the time. There is so much to see in Singapore it’s hard to break down just the basic must-sees, and with movies like Crazy Rich Asians pointing out this city’s beauty, the city’s popularity as a travel destination is only going to continue to escalate. Get there first! Eat Michelin star street food, see one of the most amazing airports in the world (there is a butterfly room!), see the Gardens by the Bay and Tiger Sky Tower. This is definitely one of the top travel destinations to check out ASAP.

Detroit, Michigan

Ten years ago, this city never would have been on a popular travel destination list, but Detroit has become a popular city with flavor and new businesses springing up to make a trip there a great idea. Visit the Great Lakes State and check out craft breweries, farm-to-table restaurants, walk along the riverfront, and see the Motown Museum.

Sofia, Bulgaria

This European city is a little off the beaten track. The smaller city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria has gained some attention as a travel destination in recent years, bringing more eyes to Sofia, along with affordable flights here from many other European cities. Sofia is a city with Roman ruins at a metro stop in the city center, the famous Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, and a free walking tour with a rich history that isn’t to be missed. You’ll want to spend at least one afternoon taking a slow walk down Vitosha Boulevard for shopping, affordable food, and street performances.

Sri Lanka

Did you know that Sri Lanka is one of the countries with the most elephants in the world? For the past several years, locations like Ella and Mirissa have been seeing a major influx in demand. Here, you’ll find elephants, one of the most beautiful train rides in the world, beautiful beaches, and ancient ruins.

3 Tips to Unplug While on Vacation

We live in a world where people are expected to be connected at all times. Between having smartphones practically glued to our hands lest we miss something on Facebook to the constant need to check our work email, unplugging from our digital world is hard. And yet, it’s something that needs to happen once in a while. For example, nobody can be expected to truly enjoy a vacation if they have to constantly monitor their social media accounts or respond to every email they receive.

If you really want to relax and have a good time during your next holiday, you need to unplug from the rest of the world. If that’s too hard for you, here are some tips that will help.

Don’t Worry About Work

One reason why so many people simply can’t unplug when they’re away from home is that they are terrified of missing out on something important at work. They might think someone will need them to perform an all-important task that only they can do, or they think a client or co-worker will need their advice about something. As a result, they end up checking their work email constantly when they should be doing something fun. Some of them do this out of habit. We understand that you have an important role to play at work; that’s why you have the job that you have, after all. 

Still, you have to understand that you aren’t the only one who can handle emergencies that might pop up. You have co-workers who can cover for you and supervisors who can let you know about any important goings-on after you come back. Tell yourself that your place of business will be just fine while you have fun and de-stress from work for a week or two. And no, you won’t be swamped when you come back as long as everyone else is doing their job.

Digitally Declutter

Just about everyone receives emails and messages that they don’t want. If you don’t want to be constantly bugged by notifications that you don’t care about, cancel some of the subscriptions that you don’t need and unfollow accounts that annoy you. You’d be surprised at how much this cuts down on the number of unwanted messages you get every day. While you’re at it, turn off your push notifications if you don’t want to be bothered at all for a while.

Put Your Phone Down

If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through Facebook or checking your email, just put your phone down for a while. Leave it in your hotel room when you go out, put it on the table face down when you sit down to eat, or do whatever you can to physically go without it for a while. It might feel stressful if you’re not used to being unplugged, but we guarantee you’ll get used to it and learn to relax.

Picking an Area of Law

For law students and newly-minted lawyers alike, choosing an area of specialization can often be a very challenging decision. Every area of legal practice has its own unique benefits and drawbacks, but with the right mindset and a commitment to hard work, many new legal professionals find themselves ready to make an impact on their chosen field. Here are just a few great legal specialties for new attorneys to consider, and why they matter in 2019.

Public Defense

Salaries in the public defense sector aren’t the highest in the legal industry by any stretch, but a wide range of interesting challenges makes this area of practice highly desirable for new attorneys. The work of being a public defender can be stressful, it is true, but winning a case for an innocent client can be an extremely meaningful event in any attorney’s career. Indeed, many public defenders wouldn’t trade their job for the world.

Corporate Law

One of the highest paying sectors of the legal profession, a career in corporate law can be challenging and rewarding in equal measure. Corporate lawyers work some of the longest hours in the legal profession, and in traditional “Big Law” regions like New York City, work schedules and client demands can be truly brutal: Indeed, as an area of practice, corporate law has some of the highest attrition rates in the legal industry. If lawyers do manage to make partner at a big law firm, however, compensation can be astronomical: Some partners at big law firms pull down seven-figure salaries.

Environmental Law

An extremely popular path for idealistic law school graduates in recent years, a career in environmental law can enable attorneys to help their communities in unique and meaningful ways. Largely tasked with ensuring that corporations and public entities stay in line with environmental protection legislation, many environmental lawyers find much to be satisfied with in their day-to-day work.

Family Law

Because it deals with issues related to divorces and child custody cases, a career in family law is not for the faint of heart, but the ability to help families makes this a good field for people prepared to take on tough cases for the greater good. Like any legal field, family law carries unique challenges for its dedicated practitioners, but its fierce adherents will be the first to tell you that this is one of the most interesting branches of the legal profession.

TED Talks for Law Students

Completing the work necessary to attain a degree in law is never easy, but seeking out additional educational materials can often complement the rigors of a legal education. When viewing these illuminating TED Talks about the justice system, for example, aspiring lawyers will undoubtedly learn much about the many problems that currently face members of the legal profession. By turns insightful and even humorous, these lectures can be truly life-changing in their scope.

Four Ways to Fix a Broken Legal System by Philip K. Howard

It is no secret that the legal system in the United States has become inundated with a wave of frivolous lawsuits in recent years, and as more and more middle-income professionals become the targets of an increasing number of damaging and expensive suits, professionals in fields like medicine, law, and education are left struggling to cope with aggressive and Kafkaesque legal bureaucracies. In this insightful TED Talk by attorney Philip K. Howard, unique ideas for fixing this broken system are proposed.

The Lost Art of Democratic Debate by Michael Sandel

While our legal system has its roots in the democratic ideals and political philosophy of Ancient Greece, we’ve tended to forgo the heady intellectual debates that were once the defining characteristic of that great culture. According to Harvard professor Michael Sandel, it may well be time to return to the political roots of that august age. As Sandel shows in his illuminating TED Talk, we often lose the greatest of our freedoms when we fail to articulate our values in vigorous public discussions.

Why Eyewitnesses Get It Wrong by Scott Fraser

In the US justice system, eye witnesses are often seen as enormous assets in determining the merits of various legal proceedings. But as our notions of psychology change, so must our faith in the infallibility of eye witnesses adapt to changing times. As forensic psychologist Scott Fraser shows, eye witnesses are capable of making enormous errors in their recounting of events; when the livelihoods or even the lives of defendants are on the line, the mistaken testimony of some eye witnesses can even be disastrous. For anyone who is passionate about justice, this TED Talk is a must-see.

The Best Beaches In Costa Rica

One of the reasons Costa Rica is such a popular vacation/honeymoon destination is its many beaches. Each one is breathtaking in its own right, but some attract more tourists than others.

Among the best beaches is Hermosa. It is well-known for its spectacular sunsets and trees that provide some much-needed shade during the day. It is one of the few beaches in Costa Rica where the water is calm enough that it is safe to swim in. Located close to many restaurants and hotels, it is the ideal place for a family-friendly beach getaway.

Another beach in Costa Rica where it is safe to swim is Samara. The entrance to the beach is marked by a cove shaped like a horseshoe. Coral reefs shield the entrance from the land beyond it. The beach is located in a town where residents are friendly and families are welcome.

Dominical is a part of Costa Rica that attracts surfers. Trained, professional lifeguards are on duty to keep everyone safe. However, the water is better suited for surfers than it is for swimmers. It’s located close to a rainforest that houses wildlife refuges.

Pavones is an isolated beach suitable for surfers and those who enjoy horseback riding. Surfers are attracted to it because it is more challenging to them than most other beaches. It is also close to an elaborate rainforest that features unique wildlife.

The isolated Santa Teresa beach is difficult to reach but offers vacationers fun activities such as swimming, snorkeling, surfing and even hiking. The two hot spots for surfing are Suck Rock and La Lora. The surrounding jungle provides even more excitement to visitors.

One of the best beaches in Costa Rica to swim at is Flamingo. It is also ideal for sailing and scuba diving, in addition to being a popular place to watch the sun set. It is close to the center of the town, putting it near intimate restaurants and various souvenir shops.

Conchal is another beach where many visitors go to swim and snorkel. Though it is more popular among locals than tourists, it can be fun for those who do decide to visit.The beach is far enough from the nearest resort that it is tranquil.

5 Handy Tips for Traveling to South America

South America is a popular destination for tourists. Some people go there to enjoy its natural beauty, while others visit historical sites or enjoy the local culture. While the details of any trip to South America will vary dramatically based on the itinerary, there are a few tricks and techniques that can make almost any journey easier.

Study the Currency

South America is a diverse continent that is home to many countries. Those nations all have their own currencies. Travelers who want to visit several countries should keep a close eye on the exchange rates and be careful to carry the correct currency for their destinations.

Practice the Language

Many people in South America speak some English, but few of them speak it natively. Spanish is the dominant language in most of South America, with Brazil as a notable exception. Traveler’s don’t need to speak perfect Spanish to get by in South America, but it can be a good idea to learn a few basic phrases. That will make it much easier to get through simple interactions, such as ordering food or even asking for directions.

Focus on Timing

Timing is everything when traveling. Many local events, such as festivals, only take place for a few days or weeks each year. Nature lovers should be careful to make sure that they schedule their trip during a season with good weather. On the other hand, it is usually possible to save money by avoiding the height of the tourist season.

Shop Around

A trip to South America can be a highly affordable choice, especially for people who shop around. Prices vary dramatically from one airline, hotel, or restaurant to the next. Travelers can often save a lot of money by shopping around and taking the time to find the best deal. They can use that money to extend their trip or fill it with new experiences without going over budget.

Stay Flexible

South America is full of surprises. It is common for travelers to encounter unexpected attractions and local events as they explore the continent. Taking the time to enjoy those pleasant surprises will build memories that last a lifetime. It is best to build a rough schedule to be sure of hitting all of the important sites and events, but the schedule should also allow for free time to explore the unexpected.